Thursday 9 December 2010

AKUT will do no more searching for Donald.

I have a few minutes ago had another conversation with Ali Nasuh Mahruki (Chairman of AKUT, Turkish search and rescue people).
He has informed me that his search team (presumably of 15 people) climbed the mountain on Monday, began searching on Tuesday and did some searching at 10,500ft, but returned home today and will carry out no more searches for Donald.
The reason for their turning back, he told me, is because they observed two men moving on the mountain at night, and believing them to be PKK terrorists, feared for their own safety.
He said that this is why they will be carrying out no more searches for Donald - because they think it would be unsafe due to possible terrorist activity.
When I asked him if the men were armed, he told me that they could not be sure.
Anyway, so much for AKUT.

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